Tvs jupiter is one of the most famous and sporty looking scooter.its nice ausome.
it gives me about 50- 55 km/ltr. its best class milage.when it was new I was getting about 45-50 km/ltr. after second service I was getting exactly 50 km/ltr.but after 3rd service I m now getting 55 kltr.i m too satisfied with the milage given by this scooter.
I am not satisfied with the seat because the person who is sitting behind is sliding infront after the application of this thing aside rest all of its gives us more comfort.the front telescopic suspention is the works very smoothly and due to this suspension I like to apply front brake.and I do it constantly in traffics.and the suspension behind which is nitox suspension which is also good for offroading.and if you are a double or trible seat on this bike due to the both suspensions you will not fell that you have crossed a hump/ speedbraeker.
it is the most reliable vehicle in this price range .what I feel.for reliability ill give excellent
road grip
it is having good road grip .even at the speed of 60km/hr I cant take sharp turn.its vey good but the double stand of the scooter is touching the ground if we bend the scooter even a little.this disappointed me.
( 1) I didnt likeed the seat of the scooter .it becomes very difficult fort to sit behind the rider with stable position.
( 2) I also dont liked the ground clearance of the scooter.
final verdict
if u are a off-road type rough rider than I recommend you not to buy this. and if you are a decent city rider then you must go for it.and u will also get good mileage too.
plz like my review.