I love you Scooty too much my friends purchase this is scooter 5 and 6 days ago. its engine noise likes Bajaj Vikranta so I like this Scooty very much I like this colour in yellow colour its have many features its have bluetooth support and its sole time engine RPM and the coolest thing is it shows the engine temperature and speed is too good just tires are 12 inch its have a touch screen display its Muffin looks like great and is leather seat is so cool its have a stitching red colour finishing so I like it very very very much.
when you connect your phone by this scooter with bluetooth when anyone can call you on scooter digital metre you can see the name of this person like you can get notification about call messages and other notification you can get on your scooter.
and I have a master age when I compared my Scooty by this is Gati this is Scooty is too good this is Scooty have many extra features and this mileage is too good so please buy this is scooter in yellow colour this looks like great in yellow colour.
and TVS service is too good when you go any TVS service showroom you can get great service its headlight power is too good.
digital metre always show you that you are not wear your helmet its anytime give you warning about it so I like it very much the scooter so please dont forget to like my comment.
you can see about the scooter on YouTube scooters looks like too too too good.
and the one thing I have to tell you about it tattoo its storage its too good when you set your helmet in it you can found extra storage.