I bought the scooty pep + for my mother on 24 th march 2017 for ₹ 49, 650. Before gudipadhva and get the best experiance for two daya only and after two days we give the scooter for some small repairing , we got the wrost experiance .
They chenged parts of my scooter the head fiber part they put old . I complent the ownner for that , the owner then owner asked their employes then the employees are not given any answer before us and we go away then they talking about each other.
Then after that the feature of scooter is best
Milage is 48 km per liter and it dosent content chock because of that it take more efforts to start it . And hight is very low as comlpaired to other scooters and weight also and bike dosent carry heavy weight for two sits with no extra weigh
Finally I like scooty pep +
But service is given wrost