Hi all I own a scoty pep+ 2006 model.at first I had some issues later wen I changed ma mechanic all de probs wer stopped.its really hard for any1 to believe dat ma scooty goes upto 70 kmph without any tuning.
Also it reaches 60 in jus 8.2 secs.also I do wheelies and 360s with is.but de shocks must be improved and de tyres must also be wider.
It gives a gud mileage of 40 even after I do rash drivin.but if u dunno to handle de vehicle it wil b disastrous. I service it every 2000 kms. I hav driven 16500 kms so far. Also it has a gud maneourability. I am sayin dis coz I giv cut while drivin. Pep really has a peppy engine.
Its really worth for girls and boys who like scooters. Hey guys if ya think dat de graphics I a bit girlish jus remove dem a do sum gud stickering job