Hi ,
I had bought my Scooty Pep about 18 months ago at Ramkay TVS Adyar, Chennai. I bought it mainly since it was lighter than the other scooters. It could be easily handled by my wife & sister.
Initially I felt the acceleration/power was not good as in an Activa ....but it improves as u cross 2000 kms/ 3 services.
The mileage is not as expected and the lesser fuel tank capacity makes my trip to the Petrol pump frequent.
One constant problem I had with my Scooty is that , I experience a whobble when I start it on a slightly slope surface or try to accelerate after stopping at signals. Each time I complained to the Dealer about it during my free service period , they said they have corrected the clutch mechanism. after 2 months , the problem recurrs. I came to know from my other friends who own a scooty , that they too experience this problem.
The self start also does not work properly after 2 - 3 months from each service period.
Also the storage compartment underneath the seat heats up quickly , not sure why?