Owning the scooty Pep is the most frustrating experience. Due to strong brand name based on the earlier (2 stroke) scooty, we bought the Pep for my sister, even though it is EXORBITANTLY priced at over 37, 000 rs. I mean just a little more and we could have just bought a kinetic Nova - with a good 115cc engine and comfort of a full scooter as opposed to this underpowered and small piece of junk... but somehow we made this mistake and we are really repenting!!
Its ok for 2-3 months initially. You think this is nice looking etc. so what if it has hardly any pick up and power.. so what if you cant really move fast with a pillion.. first you manage. you think its all right, its light easy to manouever etc.
But then, after few months the HORRENDOUS quality of the Pep really drives you up the wall. This scooter really has too much starting trouble. And sometimes while riding it just stops and then it has to be PUSHED home or to the nearst mechanic. How horrible is that! Especially for a college going girl.. my blood boils at this vehicle because it makes my sister suffer so.
The quality is so poor, that every two weeks there is some problem or the other. I have made SO MANY trips to the TVS Dealerships that I must have spent more than 1000 rs just on auto fares! can u imagine that? and the service is the WORST. they just say its fixed, but all problems come back again, and sometimes even new problems come up!
Even the mileage I am getting poor. now there is too much engine noise and vibration and it is not at all comfortable to ride. Somebody had told me that TVS quality is not good, and I should have really listened to that.
Dont EVER buy this junk vehicle. IF you want light vehicle buy zing. or buy a full scooter for almost the same price! this pep is overpriced and horrendous in quality.