Friends I used this bike for 2 years
This bike is the one of the best bike it costs around 43000 rupees
Comming to mileage it gives 92 in highway and 86 in city
Its style is also good it has sharp head light which looks very sporty
Comming to speed it goes around 85-90 and it is confortable in long drive also
We can easily handle and its very comfortable while driving
The bracking system is good and it has nice road grip it does not gets skid while turning, we can easiky turn this bike
It uses latest technology parts like wet friction clutch plates, its front suspension is teliscopic hydraulic fort they improves bike performance
While cooming to its performance it is very good the engine does not sound, we can go fast in this bike, the bracking system is also good, its very useful in cities because it gives good mileage
If in very urjent long drive cases this bike is good because it goes speed 90 and gives 90 mileage
It has good appeal
I used this bike for 2 years and its does not gave any problem to me and I resaled it for 35000 rupees, its has good resaling value
I recomend you to buy this bike because it is good and its cost is also low and it does not gives any problem