I purchased the F2 in June from Gurgaon. At that time, I chose the F2 over the Pulsar because I know, being a mechanical engineer and all, that the Fiero has a much more technologically advanced engine and mechanicals.
When the F2 works, it is very nice.. very smooth, refined, powerful... but I am not here to praise this bike.
Here is the list of problems I faced.
- Starting trouble & low mileage
The bike refuses to start after resting for 5-6 hours unless I give it choke. Even when it starts, the engine keeps missing beats.. Finally I get a mileage of 46 kmpl even if I drive it carefully - and the ad claims 82 kmpl!! absolute bullshit.
I know that this is probably a carb tuning issue - thats what the mechanics tell me. But why havent they been able to fix this as yet - after 6-7 visits in 5 months ?
TIP: In case you have already booked the bike and are going to take delivery, make sure the engine is cold when you first start the bike.
The mechanics usually start the engine before some time and rev the engine really hard to heat it up before you take delivery - so make sure you go into the selection area and pick a bike that is still cold. Start the bike without choke. Check if it starts properly. See if it misses beats. If it refuses to start easily on a cold engine, then you will face the same problem that I have - good luck to you then.
- Poor service stations.
The service centre in gurgaon is pathetic. These mechanics are only fit to do oil changes and washes. Anything more complicated, such as a carb tuning, and you can expect them to f it up properly.
- No proper feedback channel.
I tried to contact the TVS offices to write a strongly worded letter. But once again, I was frustrated.
a. There is no website for Fiero F2.
b. The feedback form on the site does not work.
c. There is no email address anywhere (manuals, website etc) where I can send an email complaint to.
d. I called the Delhi office. They gave me a number for some chap called Rampal - he is the service engineer - only his cell number wouldnt work.
- Poor build quality.
a. My plastic panels kept buzzing at 3000 rpm.
b. Within the first week, the speedometer cable came off by itself. I had to open the headlamp cover and screw in the speedometer cable in by myself.
c. The seat has began to tear at the back within a month - because the nails used on the underside of the seat are cutting through the cushion.
d. My rear brake rod fell off one day while I was on the highway. suddenly I found my rear brakes completely useless.. only the front disc brakes for control. Imagine what would have happened if a car or a cow had come in front of me at that time!!
All in all, I am extremely dissatisfied with this bike. The only reason I am not rating it at the bottom of the heap is because the bike has potential to be a winner.
At the service station, I also spoke to a number of Victor owners who are facing similar quality problems, mainly cold starting, misfiring and low mileage coupled with zero support from service centres.
So if you are thinking of buying this bike, FORGET IT!! BUY A PULSAR INSTEAD !!!
I hope TVS wakes up and does something to fix this.. Its really hurts to see such a good bike in such bad shape.
Update 1:
Thanks everyone for the support and suggestions. I got so fed up of kick starting the bike that I sent out a strongly yet nicely worded 2 page fax to TVS Hosur office, copy to Delhi stating the problems mentioned above. The result was that I received a call from the service engineer within 24 hours. Upon his request, I went back to the same authorised centre, which according to him had been only recently updated.
Anyways, now that the service centre guys knew that I meant business, I got the royal treatment.. detailed engine and carb check. Finally they decided to replace the carb altogether. That was Friday 28/11.
Today, on 04/12, I finally had my carburettor replaced. ( whew! ) The bike feels completely different. The smoothness has improved, the pickup feels better and the engine doesnt stop during idling. looks good!! Its too early to check out the mileage numbers.
Update 2: 23 Jan 2004
Good things first - The service centre chaps seem to have improved. I got my seat replaced under warranty too - after a long wait for spare parts to come from TVS.
Not so good stuff : My mileage still sucks big time - even after replacing the carburettor, I get 45 - 50 kmpl on this bike. I am not really concerned about economy.. just that it puzzles me how everybody else is getting mileage figures of 55+ on their bikes.. guys, do tell me (and everyone else) what you do to get such a good mileage.. (FYI, I usually ride on 50-60 on 4th gear - always with the green light on - with occasional bursts of speed.)