Hi ppl,
FIRST OF ALL LET ME CLEAR THIS MOUTHSHUT.com is confusing the people by writing TVS FIERO F2 TO TVS SUZUKI FIERO F2 its a complete tvs product , suzuki has no role in it so dont mislead by any website.
I owned 1 year old fiero f2 bike given below is my repairing details.
1st service at 900km
Engine Gas Ket was successfully changed
2nd service at 5000km
Engine was sucessfully pasted with some paste for its sheepage. (kind of leakage)
3rd service at 10000 km
front shoker was refilled successfully & front brake shoe was change
4th service at 15000
Rear shockers are replaced under warranty
5th service at 17500
Chain set was replaced & rear tyre was replaced & rear brake shoe was changed
Thanks to TVS service guys & poor quality of parts esp engine.
prem kumar
HR 51-N-3534
MOBILE NO 9811829407