Hii I am Pushkar from Indore. This is my second review on Fx. Earlier review was about the the pros and cons. Well I purchased Blue Fx on 6 jan and it has ran about 500 kms till now and I am quit happy with my bike. Looks- Well from front it looks like Thunderbird and on road people keep on asking the name of the bike as the blue colour looks unique on it. Engine- Engne is performing well though I have not tested the pickup because I am strictly following the service manuel and not exceeding the speed above 50.The bike brezzes between 40-50 and gives good ride comfort.Handling & Comfort- I feel more comfortable on my Fx than the Unicorn or the Pulsar which my freinds have.I did a 60km drive to Ujjain from Indore in approx 1hr and didnt feel any fatigue and wanted to travel further more.The seat is nice and broad and the pillion comfort level is also good.Milage- When the bike was deliverd to me I filled 5 litrs of Speed petrol in it. It struck reserve at 145kms. As it has 2litrs of reserve so it gave me a milage of 48.3 Km/lit. And I think it has increased further more by 2-3 Km/lits. So at the end I should say that Fiero Fx gives u all that is Power , Milage , Comfort. Will keep u updated from time to time. ---------------------------------------------Update--------------------------------------------Well I am back guys and now my Fx has ran about 1200Kms and the first servicing is also over.Engine - Well pickup is not like that of a Pulsar or Unicorn but it is not that bad either. Engine idling is ok and the bike started in one Kick every day in this Winter Seoson.Milage - While I was following the manuel during the first 1000Kms, I did a simple analysis of the Average. As soon as my bike hit Reserve I filled 40 Rs of Speed petrol. And I was really amazed that it ran 58 Kms after that. But the average comes down rapidly as soon I increase the Throttel. At steady 70 it gives about 48 , at steady 50 it gives more than 55 , so what more should I expect from this machine.There was only one problem which I faced that Idiling of the engine was very high. I mean after riding about 15-20 mins the RPM needle showed 2-3. Well this was corrected at First servics and now every thing is good.-----------------------------------------------Update---------------------------------------------------Hii Guys I am Back after nearly 3 months. Well about my Fx it has ran 4305 kms in this 6 months from the date of Purchase. U all must be wondering now about the milage , maintainence and other parameters which would vary in these 6 months. So here they are-1. Milage - Most important parameter of all. My bike is giving a satisfactory milage of 55+ on highways and 50-55 in city. I m getting this figure just because I think I strictly maintain Single Petrol Pump for refueling and not driving the bike harsh and fast in the city. I also think that by switching off the petrol tap everytime when u park ur bike also saves fuel. Lastly Do not fill any performance petrol like Speed , power , extra premium because these fuels contain higher ethanol content and they are preffered for four wheelers as inquired by Local Mechanics.2. Maintainence - Well frankly speaking my bike has completed 2 free services and other than that I havent visited the Showroom except to take test drives of new bikes. 3. Parts , electricals , colour - Well I think the bike is not well built as compared to Unicorn and Pulsar. It vibrates a bit after crossing 80kmph.Electricals are of good quality, specially the headlight(very powerfull). I love driving My Fx in night.Colour and shine is maintained because I regularly polish my bike in a week or too So guys any more quarry or information regarding Fx is welcomed and my next update would be after, lets say 10, 000Kms. _____________________________Update_________________________________Helloooo everybody I m back as said I would be after the 10k Km mark touches.And it has finally touched just few days back.I will comment on the main factors of my bike again. So those who r really interested and love the machine should only read this.The main factors are1. Milage - The most important factor of any bike and I m getting a healthy milage of 53-55 in city and 55+ on highways. It has not gone down since I purchased the bike. Which makes me very happy.2. Performance - There were 3 free services provided by TVS. Now that paid services have started so I manually change the engine oil. The best is Castrol Power one and it has really increased the performance and smoothness in drivening.3. Electicals - Horn gave me some problem and it went off but I got it repaired. Headlight is superb and side stand indicator does a good job as well.4. Tyres - The rear tyre gave me a problem and I had to replace the tube. I think it is not able to hold the air for long time u got to refill it every 3 days.So this was it. Now since the company has stopped the production of this bike and they have introduced Apache which has more technology advanced Fiero engine with new ignition system , I think Apache would rule the market for a long time.But the Fiero Factor will never die from anyone who has used this bike previously.Regards, Pushkar