Hi, I am using Suzuki Fierro since last 4 yrs. In this entire period the bike hardly required any maintenance. I myself used to give it for regular servicing once a year.
The best part was when I met with an accident with this bike and I was hospitalized. But the bike is surprisingly still in working condition. I didnt even take it to a mechanic shop.
The other good thing about Fierro is its cold start. It never gives any starting problem. Even after 4 yrs, it starts in one kick. This is very important to me as I used to hate Yamaha starting problem.
Then the body of fierro cannot be compared with CBZ but it definitely outbeats any other bike it its segment.
The only flaw with this bike is its rear suspension. The pillion rider prefers a Hero-Hoda then compared to Fierro. I suppose Suzuki has taken care of this problem in the new models.
Overall I shall say Fierro is a good economy bike and its a full paisa vasool..