Bike...a product...value for money...worth...When we go to market to buy any product...we look for some features by which we judge whether the product is worth or not!
When I went to market for my bike, I looked for..
$ Reliable engine n gear box life
$ Fuel economy
$ Looks
$ Power
$ Cost
Most of the bikes in the market are good in one or two features but may not be that good in others..When I looked into Feiro...vao..all matched..
Suzuki is a trusted name for Engine and gear box relaibility. Its electronic combusion kit gives u good fuel economy though its a 150 cc bike..
Besies this...its aesthetics are really good..Big tank..broad look...really catches ur mind on fire
Pricewise also it looks competitive
So its a sloution for all feature..Reliability...Power..Fuel economy..Looks...
All in one