The TVS-Suzuki Fiero is undoubtedly one of the best motorcycles available in this country . I have traveled very long distances on this bike and all I can say is that it does not disappoint you in terms of mileage or performance. I would now like to share my knowledge on pros and cons of the bike.
What do prospective buyers look for in a bike? While riding I look for the following qualities :-
Engine reliability
Riding Comfort
Top Speed
Engine sound/vibrations
I will illustrate in detail. The fiero has got great engine reliability. If run-in properly it will take you through hell and bring you out on top. I traveled in the worst climatic conditions on it and even in 3 feet deep water. The engine is stable and reliable and generally does not give any problems. Avoid unnecessary revving when the bike is new( till 4000km). You can still go fast but rev your engine to top rpm sparingly.
Riding comfort is not exactly the epitome of this bikes features. Very comfy for short distances but You may experience discomfort on a long trip(over 30 km). However the seat is soft, gives you an excellent riding position and I guess the only drawback is that its too soft. The bike has amazing acceleration. The following are the results :-
0-60km/hr : 4.93s (solo) to 6.1s (+pillion).
This bike gives you the best acceleration for any 4 stroke in the country. However it does not have a great top speed. Unfortunately the people at TVS did not incorporate the 5th gear on this vehicle. The following are the top speeds of the bike :-
Note : Road in excellent conditions were used for this test.
Level road (0deg inclination) : Max Speed Solo : 115kmph doubles : 107 kmph
Inclined Road (-4 degree inclined) : Max Speed Solo : 120kmph doubles: 115 kmph
Inclined Road( positive inclination) : Max Speed Solo : 96kmph doubles: 89kmph
In the City where there tends to be a lot more traffic you can vanquish any 4 stroke, However while traveling doubles on the highway, you may find the Pulsars etc., beating u with ease after 90kmph. However the initial pickup still remains unparalleled.
Well the Engine sound is just OK. Not really great but smooth and very quiet. While accelerating it sounds really dumb compared to CBZ. No probs because the pulsar sounds even more annoying. The bike has a fiber body, so if any of your accessories are not tightened properly it may get a bit annoying. Now I come to the part where I speak about this bikes biggest plus point.MILEAGE. All I can say is that for the power it gives you, the mileage is unbelievable if you maintain it in pristine order. Here are the mileage results :-
In City: Rash riding using the 3rd gear and continuous drags : 48.8 kmpl.
On the highway: Touching top speed frequently and traveling between 70 and 90kmph : 53 kmpl.
Safe Riding: Between 45 and 65 kmph in top gear : 59 kmpl. Great isn’t it.
Finally I have to speak about the biggest drawback of this wonderful bike. It is a 150 cc 4 stroke bike considered to have the best technology etc., and competes with the pulsar. Unfortunately it looks like a cycle. From the front you may mistake it for one of those low budget un-geared low performance bikes. It looks the best from the side. However its got the worst backside with those small ugly tires. Those tires are more than sufficient for Indian roads but however it looks really dumb. Well its reliable, Fast and really comely so I guess if your looking for any value for money it’s the fiero.
The results indicate my own test results and are subject to change.
If you have any doubts on the fiero please be free to contact me via the people in
Latest Info : Just had a drag with a Pulsar on the national highway. The pulsar 180 touches 110+ with ease but really the fiero can keep up with it due to the traffic conditions on Indian roads. However the pulsar does have superior shocks and tires which is a major plus over the fiero especially when road conditions deteriorate. On the whole however we both reached Bangalore at the same time so the slight advantage of the pulsar can be tapped only if the rider is skilled.
latest info 2: updated March 18th 2003
completed 12000km and getting mileage of 53kmpl (checked for distance of 1200km),
latest readings :
10601 to 11101 : filled 9.274lts reading 53.9kmpl
Still touches top speed and no probs. Met a person who owns a fiero too. He has completed 65000km and says no probs. However u will find the odd unsatisfied owner. As for me I really am happy with the buy.