I have purchase TVS fierro for my birthday on Nov2002. Still I am using this byke. I have an idea to go for a new byke but without selling this excellent byke. What a great comfort when we ride it for a long distance. I never kicked this byke twice to start.
The disadvantages are:
Many times, the petrol oveflows.
Only one side side lock.
Poor tyres.
There is no resale value for this byke. Asking only 15000/- for this excellent byke.
The parts for this byke is costly because all the inside parts are imported.
While reviewing, I came to see the lights are good but the coverage and power of light is not that much good. Is anything to be done by me for rectifying this problem?
My byke mileage is coming upto 48/litre. will it can be increased by service?
If any electronic starting system can be added with this byke?