I own a Suzuki Max 100, 2000 model for the past 7 years.I am the second owner.I bought it for 13000.Later I bought another used bike, then in 2009 a Brand new pulsar 150 but still I have my Max 100 with me.There are so many memories associated with this bike that I cannot let it go from my life.
This was the first bike I bought in Bangalore.I was planning to buy a kinetic nova for Rs 9000 when I saw this bike in the same garage.The owner was asking 15000.I was having only 9000 at that time but My girlfriend(who is now my wife) gave me another 5000 to buy this.After negotiation I bought it for 13K.
I used this bike till 2008 then I gave it to my present brother in law.He then used it till day before yesterday as Yesterday he bought a new Pulsar 150.Last night we both agreed that Max 100 is a complete no problem bike.
This bike was superb.It never failed me.It never broke down.I never faced any major engine problem.
I sent it for servicing once in 8-9 months and It never showed any problem.I spent hardly 3000(excluding the Engine oil price) in maintenance in 7 years.I used it regularly and I never had to worry about the bike condition.I was so confident with this bike for any Trip.
The most memorable part was that once I met with an accident.Suddenly A dog came running & fell between the wheels. I lost control and we both fell and dragged for 50 mts.My injuries were not serious( thanks to Helmet) but the bike looked bad.(Broken headlamp, Oil spilling, bended handle etc).I tried to start it up to see how much damage it faced and my loyal bike started in a single kick.I was shocked.Later I had to change only the headlamp and Handle bar.The mechanic told me no need to do anything with the engine as it was behaving normally.
The only problem I faced is the mileage & oil leakage .Sometimes it gave me 45 KMPL and sometimes 25KMPL.It was completely random.Many Mechanics tried to fix it but all of them failed.Oil leakage happened regularly, it makes the engine & silencer look dirty.
So Friends, I this is a True No problem, Zero maintenance Bike from Suzuki and I am going to keep it with me.