I have been using Victor GX bike since June 2005... more than two years.
I would like to add my experience with this bike. Also, I would like to add some points regarding all reviews written here.
I do not care much about power. So after research, I shortlisted two bikes. One is Victor-GX and the other HH-Splendour+. Both were with same price tag then. Infact I was much inclined to splendour. But afterwards I bought Victor. On comparing the both I think that victor had edge over splendour on power. Initially I thought the mileage would be more for Victor - But itz same as spelndour. Read more to get on to the details...
Please note that I have been riding this bike only in city. So whatever I have written is all about city rides. Consider all the traffic et all when reading...especially the mileage.
Sure the mileage is less than what the sales person boasts about. My Initial experience was shocking as it gave only about around 50 kmpl. But this was in iniital 1000 kms, when I was riding not more than 40. But after the intial 1000 kms service, it gave me 55 to 60 kmpl. I expected atleast 65kmpl. Though not up to my expectation, I feel its pretty decent mileage for its kind. If you believe sales guy promises, you end up in dissapointment.
Im surprised by the claims of mileage by one group as 45kmpl and others saying 70kmpl. To me, both are wrong. For those who complain about 45kmpl, keep the speed ticking at 45 - 55, use the clutch and break wisely. Follow each and every word mentioned in manual. Thats what all I have to say about.
As a single rider, Im much satisfied with the pickup. Infact it is very good...You can reach from 0 to 40 (and top gear) in very few meters. My experience is that, if you stand first in the signal, you can reach top gear before crossing the signal. For doubles its slightly different. What you could do on second gear in single ride is to be performed on first gear in doubles. Though not always. To consolidate I would say this bike is ideal mix of power and mileage.
The infamous STARTING PROBLEM...ofcourse I too faced it. But it seems now TVS has come out with some solution to it. My last service was at october 2006. Afterwards, I do not face the problem. The bike starts in one kick, no matter how long its kept idle. So next time to the service...ask for it.
Handling and control:
Perfect. Thats what I would like to say. The braking system is very good. You could move around in 60kmph and stop the vehicle comfortably within the limits. The drum brakes on front and rear is as much equivalent to disk brakes. I could zoom around in 60s even in rainy days comfortably. Take care that the road does NOT have loose soil or is NOT swampy.
Those who complain about skidding tyre, I can infer that the problems you face is very much the symptom of applying only rear brakes. This will be the same in any bike. Just stick to the basics. Apply both front and rear brakes. That would solve your problem.
On the negative side:
(*) When you move around above 40 kmph, the bike tends to vibrate. The engine sound varies.
(*) While shifting gears, I see that it becomes tight after few kms of ride. I think probably its due to engine heat or something. It was corrected by service guys. But holds only for few days. But not as much as it was earlier. I would rather attribute this to my particular bike. I think its not the problem as a whole....If someone knows how to tackle this...please post it.
(*) The engine shuts off when the mains are out of fuel. You need to move to reserve and then restart again. HH is superb in this....there would be slight sluggishness and you can immediately move to reserve and zoom...The engine would not stop abruptly for quite some time.
I would recommend this to those who prefer medium bikes with the ideal blend of power and mileage. Suits very well.