I have bought TVS Wego a year before and I think this is the right time to share my experience. The main reason I changed my scooter last year was for more mileage. Till last year gearless scooters were offering maximum mileage upto 45 KM. But from last year onwards most of the scooters were started giving announcement that their product gives 60 KM. Same way TVS Wego was saying the mileage was 62 KM. I choose Wego over Activa for two reasons, one Front Telescopic suspension and other for the external fuel system which Activa lacks.
Now after one year of usage I am not very happy about Wego. The first disappointment happened within half hour of delivery. From show room I came home with new vehicle around 8.00 PM. At 8.30 PM I tried to start the vehicle, but it didnt started. Both self start and kick start was not working. Immediately I called the sales person of the show room and he promised me that a mechanic will be sent next day morning. As promised he came morning itself(thanks to them) and opened the body and found that electrical connection was disconnected which he fixed and vehicle started.
The second disappointment happened at second service. It was serviced by a different service center. After the service the next day I noticed that a part near rear wheel was hanging. Immediately I took this to service center where I purchased the vehicle. The mechanic there told that SAI filter was not fitted properly and he fixed that.
The third one is with front break. Most of the times it makes a creek sound which is annoying. The mechanics in the service center says that due to water deposit in the wheel it makes the sound. They clean the wheel and brake mechanism and the sound disappears for a couple of days, but again it appears. Still I am suffering with it.
The next one is about the keys. When I inserted the key in the key hole it got stuck there it self and not able to open the same(Luckily it was in ON position). Again a trip to service center solved the problem. The reason for this is the key mechanism was not lubricated properly.
These things shows that there is lack of workmanship in the product from both TVS and service centers side. These inconveniences may be small but who knows the same lack of workmanship may lead to big problems.
Another problem which I faced is in the balance of the vehicle. When running in slow if you try to turn the steering completely, the vehicle looses the balance. This I have not observed in my previous vehicle. This may be a problem with my riding style I dont know. But two more people had the same problem. But now after some experience I can handle this properly. If you are new to two wheeler riding beware of this and be careful at beginning.
But the greatest disappointment one is about mileage. At the time I bought the vehicle the company was claiming 62 kmpl(now they have reduced to 58 kmpl). The sales people was saying on road in city condition it will give around 50 kmpl. But I never got this mileage. It gives me 40-42 kmpl. Now the mechanics says this is the real one. Clearly TVS is cheating here. BE CAREFUL ABOUT THIS IF YOU ARE BUYING Wego FOR MILEAGE.. I am very very unhappy about this. My previous scooter Kinetic Flyte was giving me 45 kmpl and some times I got even 50 kmpl. My reason of buying the new vehicle for good mileage was defeated here.
One more problem is the sloping seat which pillion rider who sits sideways finds the problem. Generally ladies who sits sideways will feel that they are sliding towards front. The solution is ask them to keep their left leg not on the metal foot rest, but on the rubber footrest which is in front of the metal foot rest. This may solve the problem. But TVS should consider redesigning this.
One good thing I noticed about Wego is its power and stability. It runs very well in high speed(around 60 - 70 km which I consider high speed for gear less scooter). I didnt found much vibration here and riding at this speed is smooth and really enjoyable. Also the suspension is very good. Balancing of the vehicle at low speed also good except while turning it as said before.
So I advice people who wants to buy Wego to research properly and get all fact from the sales person and also enquire with people who already owns it.