Ive had this scooter for past 6 months and I am truly in love with this vehicle. From its performance to styling to fuel efficiency , everything is perfect about this scooter .
The suspensions are very smooth which gives you comfortable rides even in the most uncomfortable situations. Specially its torque is very good which lets you take sharp turns very smoothly.
The best thing about this scooter is its fuel efficiency .It gives me a mileage of 42km per litre which is pretty decent for a scooter like this and for a college student like me , it saves my pocket money .Even its maintenance is very easy .
You dont need to send it for servicing every now and then and the servicing is pretty cheap . But there are few things that could be improved .For example its fuel capacity of 6 litres isnt very satisfying .And I really dont like the quality of its headlight. All in all my experience with tvs wego was very good but a bit of improvement in its fuel capacity can make it better .I recommend this to everyone.