I thank Mouthshut.com for getting us so many reviews & understandings on products. I came to know lot of Pros & Cons by reviews & creating survey before buying. I bought TVS Wego in Feb 2012. I was astonished to find the mileage to be more than 65 kmpl(good mileage) after testing & wanted to share some of my experiences which would be of help to you too. I am feeling this is one of the good product after TVS has solved many problems which were addressed / reported by customers & dealers after the launch.
Yes, as many of you experience, there were many Pros & Cons which led me in confusion before buying. But when compared to Honda Activa & Suzuki Access, the TVS Wego is available fast on delivery(by next day) than those two others which also had some Cons reported by reviews & friends.
I was very particular on mileage in a 2 wheeler than its looks, power, ads, popularity on brands. I feel at the end of the day its your money & Fuel to be saved and Fuel to be used efficiently by your vehicle.
I think it is worthy choice made by me to buy TVS Wego after a small research.
The reason for choosing TVS Wego were many - (1) One of my colleague insisted on TVS as good performing ones than Activa as he had both Activa & TVS at home, (2) Another colleague experienced good mileage by Wego than Access & Activa. He had underwent battery replacement under warranty period due to auto-start problems for which I read through similar problems addressed in reviews, (3) It was helpful from Mr. Mukeshs reviews(problem experiences & updates on solving) in this site - Choke cable problem & etc. He had purchased in Skanda Motors, Hanumanthnagar, Bangalore as I too bought from the same dealer since this was the nearest for me too, (4) Some reviews mentioned bad mileage & got rectified for good mileage after service, sometimes by Carburator cleaning etc, (5) Activa & Access are in demand & takes months for delivery, are little costlier too, and less in mileage as per the reviews.(Even there were reviews on Wego for bad mileage sometimes which made me think & survey from dealer also). Hope most of the problems reported are solved & getting solved after feedbacks from customers & dealers.
Finally I decided on TVS Wego & approached two dealers. Both dealers responded well & were kind in answering my queries. I decided to buy at the 2nd dealer as it was nearer & he was friendly. We both spoke about the problems which I knew & in addition he shared his ealier problem experiences too. I understood from dealers that TVS had solved earlier problems & are despatching OK / corrected vehicles.
After around a week, I got filled 1 Ltr petrol from Shell Petroleum(in a metal CAN which they provide with some refundable deposit) and went on a ride to empty existing earlier filled petrol(which I had filled for Rs.100 after delivery). The vehicle stopped after sometime as I was expecting after the Fuel pointer had stayed belowE mark for quite around 20Km ride. I tried to start again but could travel nearly 100m & got stopped again which never started with several tries. This was the right moment I filled the tank with 1 Ltr which I had carried & the Odo meter was reading 00111.8 & Fuel pointer showing exactly on the last graduation of the Fuel scale. I started from Hosur road maintaining a speed between 35kmph & 40kmph(most approximately 40kmph), entered Nice road near Electronic city with a toll fee of Rs.12 till bannerghatta road. I found a Shell Petroleum off the Nice road towards rightside on Bannergahtta road & filled the empty CAN with 1 Ltr & carried away storing it underneath Seat as backup. With Rs.20 toll fee started riding from Bannerghatta road to Mysore road. Entering Mysore road I rode away from Bangalore City till Wonderla, the pointer was almost below theE mark & the Odometer read~00155.x. After resting for about 25 minutes, started towards Bangalore City. There was traffic increasing nearby Nayandalli circle where I could not maintain 40kmph speed continuously. Somehow with slow moves & some breaks tried to maintain around 30 to 40kmph speed and came over K.R.Market flyover with some small jerks by vehicle(indication of Fuel emptiness) & in the midway the vehicle stopped & could not start again. Then it was the end of 1 Ltr in the Fuel tank. By now the mileage covered was more than 65kmpl by Odometer reading.
I never tried raising the speed more than 45kmph while testing as this is to be followed for a new vehicle till some kilometers & 1st service.
I am very very impressed as concerned over mileage, the vehicle is very smooth while riding, the design of the vehicle is very nice in this category / class which does not look bulky & the performance should be good as TVS had taken care I seem. Ill update after some more experiences. Updations are being done in the next comments below.