I am the one who have never ride bike or scooter or any vehicle ever. when my husband force me to buy one, we did small R&D. We saw three well known & demanding scooters of that time. activa, Access & wego. For activa we have to wait for 7 months after paying 5K extra. same thing for access. So, we left with no other choice than going for wego. I always use to think that, I will never be able to ride a bike & double seat. No chance. But with wego it was very easy.
it look different than other TVS scooters. The seat is wide like activa or access. It is very easy to handle & control. in short its an awesome scooter. I can take my SASUMA also for long drives. But just go for any other authorised service provider. As dealer has lots of attitude while providing service.
Take a weeks time & search in nearby area for lesser price & better service.
I love my WEGO.