I am the proud owner of CBZ, Pulsar 15DTSi but here I am trying to tell you about 2 bikes that I feel is the best value for money.
This is not for pepole who have lots of money and just want to move around happily burning money ok.... This is for people who seriously use bike for travelling, its a part of there life.
This is for people who can spend some 50-55 k on the bike and spend some 1000Rs on fuel/month. I personally feel in this age of heavy traffic mileage is not the only factor that should decide the bike. the quality of the engine is important. As such I have selected 2 bikes which I have driven and many of my friends have as under.
Ambition Plus ( a minor varient of Ambition. No change to engine)
Fiero F2 (Major upgrade to TVS Fiero)
Ambition with some major upgrades to its external features and concepts is definetly a better option but remember it comes with a smaller and less powerful engine. As such the spares of F@ are pretty cheap, while Ambitin spares are pretty reliable. The carburettor in F2 is supposed to be the best in its class.
the ratings I give for these bikes are as under (for 10)
Aspect Ambition+ Fiero F2
Handling 9 9
Road grip 8 9
Looks 9 9
Comfort 9 8
Braking 8 8
Engine 9 8
(lights, other
external aspects
not related to
engine) 9 8
Power 8 9
Quality of engine
(basically smoothness,
reliability) 9 9
After sale service
(if required) 8 8
Overall quality of spares 9 8
Cost of maintenance 8 9
Mileage 9 ( average 60) 9 ( average 60)
Accelaration 7 8
Bonus point to Ambition+ as it comes with the added advantage of the HeroHonda reliability
As such these are by large the best bike for average people in INDIA. They give you best value for money.
So just go through the stats and decide for yoursef which is the best bike. You could compare your favorite bike with the above stats.
But as such if you wanna drag and race on the country side better go in for a CBZ or a more fuel efficient PULSAR 180cc (preferably non DTSi).