My review on 5 worst motorbikes from a gals perspective created a lot for hue and cry. This is a sequel to that review and Ill like to tell you abt 20 cool bikeswe gals like! The bikes are divided into 4 categories -(a) excellent(b) v good(c) good(d) above average.
Harley Davidson - Undoubtedly worlds best bike. This is the bike for rough and tough guys. Sanjay Dutt looked cool in Musafir driving this bike.
Royal Enfield - This is the Indian version of Harley Davidson, for the Indian rough and tough guys.
Hero Honda Karizma - This is more of a sports bike rather than a regular one. Good one for macho guys like Hrithik Roshan.
Bajaj Eliminator - This is the bike on which its most enjoyable to cruise as a pillon rider. Its structure is again inspired by HD(Harley Davidson).
Honda Unicorn - The new Honda bike is simply rocking! It looks good and goes just zoooom. A good choice for any modern guy!
Bajaj Pulsar DTSI - It is not aGaadi but aGaada.Definitely male this bike is rocking the Indian streets. Its the Arnold Schwazner of the bikes.
Hero Honda CBZ - Another fantabulous bike for stylish guys. Trust me gals just love to pillon ride this one.
Bajaj Wind 125 - Wow this one is simply ultra-cool. Amazing looks, amazing drive and great for a pillion rider. Its the Keanue Reaves of the bikes.
Fiero - A very fiery bike for guys with a similar attiude looking to burn the streets and hearts!
Yamaha Fazer - This is the new kid on the blocks and is awesome to say the least. It has the guts to be different! The two headlights in front is a great concept.
Bajaj Discover - Althought not as strong as Pulsar or not as classy as Wind, this is again a good bike overall. Gals wont mind sitting on this.
Ambition 135 - Another good looking masculine bike. It especially has quite a long seat so lol you dont have to sit very close to the driver unless you really want to!;-)
LML Graptor - Oh yea its much better than thatGhodi called LML Freedom. It looks more like a bike rather than a clowns cap with weird colours.
TVS Victor GLX - This is quite a cute looking bike and will look good on cute looking guys, who want cute looking gals to sit behind them!
Yamaha Enticer - Ispired by Bajaj Eliminator this is again one of those good cruisers. Very comfortable indeed for person sittin on back.
Bajaj Caliber - Yea okay looks copied from elder brother WIND 125 and ride is quite smooth.
Kinetic Velocity - The looks are again quite cool and ride is fine. It is thousand times better than that stupid tvs centra which costs you as much I think.
Hero Honda Passion Plus - The new version of Hero Honda Passion is quite good looking andwe gals will certainly prefer it over Splendour.
Yamaha Libero - Again a decent bike and with decent looks.We gals wont mind pillion riding this one.
Yamaha RX 100 - Okie its looks arent that great but the ride is so express that it can giveShatabdi a run for its money. Sowe gals can compromise on looks if the drive is so quick!;-)