Here I want to say that’we have 2 choose songs from 1950 to 2003;which is very difficult.People here are writing very easily;depending on their favourites.But I donot want 2 favour anybody.Right from 1950 till 2day;maximum very good songs have been sung by Mohd.Rafi(Male) & Lata Mangeshkar(female).Any other singer has been only a compromise 2 hindi film industry.WHY?
Mod.Rafi used 2 sing according to the voice of hero of that particular movie;(nobody-not even Kishore could do that;even Kishore’s difficult song were sung by Mr.Mohd.Rafi.
About Lata Mangeshkar;she is’KOYAL’;nobody can match her even today.Anybody copying her is making fool of herself!
So best hindi songs(20) donot belong 2 them;it is just partiality; or favoring somebody.
i.e. I mean 2 say among lacs of Hindi songs all 20 should be from both of these;IT HAS 2 BE!Others cannot stand in thae race!