20 best music bands& artists I ever heard
Simple the best and nothing less.
Disregard the ranking numbers.
Queen- the show went on, and they are still the champions today, compare any other band to this one they all fall short of crowd capacity and sheer heart attack music.
Micheal Jackson- though he maybe a different person today 2 decades ago he was a pop icon and maybe still is today. Millions line up to see him.
unmatched for his fame and album sales across the world.
Beatles- Not knowing anything about them is like spitting on your ancestors grave. These guys started a reveloution, an era when the british rock bands enter the music textbooks. Along with queen they too were unmatched with crowd and music.
Elvis P- King maybe dead physically but still keeps on going across generations of music lovers.
Rolling stones- Hippies turned Proffesional Rockers. Took the world by storm with hit song after hit song.
Police- sound little weird but these guys went to US, Uk, Asia, and Africa. ofcourse who can forget there trip across asia in 1981 from India to Japan, throught the southeast asia. a hint of carribean influnce in there music.
The Clash- Punk rock foundation was set laid by these bunch of losers, well they turned out to be leaders every punk rocker today have Clash cds stacked away in there collection along with Sex Pistols. Under every punk rock wannabee groups you will see clash.
Frank sinatra- Ask grandpa or and old relative who actually followed music in their heydays and this name will pop up.
Prodigy- yup, its prodigy allright, the techno sound machine. In the early 90s these guys were sitting in a cramped basement room churning out fast tempo beats, with weird music, something like electronic allright. too bad they are no longer together otherwise could have nailed their names in history books instead of mere stiches.
Run DMC- Alas.some people from a hip hop/rap generation. This band marked the way for what we are listning today. A new type of music.
Led Zeppelin
Black Sabbath
Diana Ross
Gloria Gaynor
Whitney Huston
Donna Summers
Boys 2 Men