A lovely topic for myself to make comment on.I will readily mention my favouriterocks and will be glad to hear receive ur comments n opinions on them.The songs listed below are not written in order of favour.Forgive me if I forgot any of the greatest ones.
1-LIVIN ON A PRAYER-BON JOVI:I suppose a hard rocker can never ignore this monumental song.The masterpiece produced in the golden age of hard rock and Bon Jovi as well.
2-NOVEMBER RAIN-GNR:Well actually listing this one I may have treatedDont Cry unfairly cause its as good as this one.2 milestones of the end of rocks golden era.
3-SHINE ON YOU CRAZY DIAMOND-PINK FLOYD:Ladies n gentleman please stand up n applause for the boss.U may have chosenWish U Were Here orDark Side instead, however I think this ones the real king.
4-ONE-METALLICA:Perhaps the beginning of the softening of groups sound.The blend of acoustic sound and harsh metal.
5-TELEGRAPH ROAD-DIRE STRAITS:Oh a very special one, albeit u might chooseMoney For Nothing instead.
6-I WANT IT ALL-QUEEN:Another special one for me to take the 1st place in front ofBohemian Rhapsody.
7-CRUSHIN DAY-JOE SATRIANI:The incredible performance of the instrumental electric guitar.
8-BORN IN THE USA-BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN:I dont like him very much but he has some masterpieces just like this one.Im On Fire nStreets Of Philedelphia are to be mentioned too.
9-RHYTM OF LOVE-SCORPIONS:Still lovin U?No.This one reflects the true Scorpions style.
10-I WANNA HOLD UR HAND-BEATLES:A brilliant one from the fathers of rock.
11-BOAT ON THE RIVER-STYX:A classical shining star.
12-DESPERADO-EAGLES:U would sayHotel California but according to me the one remaining in the shadows is always the best one.
13-LOVE SOMEBODY-RICK SPRINGFIELD:The faded star of pop rock n his spectacular hit song of the 80ies.
14-IS THIS LOVE-WHITESNAKE:The wonderful rock ballad of the 80ies again.
15-WHEN THE CHILDREN CRY-WHITELION:Another monumental slow from the end of 80ies.
16-ALL I WANNA DO IS MAKE LOVE TO U-HEART:An interesting choice isnt it?
17-POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME-DEF LEPPARD:Another golden hit from the golden ages of hard rock.
18-MORE THAN WORDS-EXTREME:This one is perhaps one of the best.An acoustic guitar n 2 guys in vocals.A must listen one.
19-TO BE WITH U-MR BIG:Another acoustic song with a favourable sound.
20-WILD WORLD-CAT STEVENS:We miss u man.Ur gone but ur songs will live forever.
PS:Some may think I have forgotten Elvis n Led Zeppelin however im not a good listener them to make proper commentation.Thats why I didnt list them here.