Including my review there is now a total of 5 different reviews on this subject. However out of those 5 reviews only 2 of them are considered to be on topic LOL. Mine and one other persons. That is why I decided to write on this subject.
Awhile back I wrote on my top 20 English songs, so now it’s time to move towards the worst English songs. Yes the USA has lots of bad music and songs that just turn my stomach when I hear them come on the radio. So with that said lets begin our journey onto the top 20 list.(Songs will not be in any order of dislike)
Day’s gone by(Dirty Vegas)
This song just makes me go nuts when I hear it on the radio or TV. The reason why is because there’s this TV commercial were 2 men and a woman are driving down the road and they are listening to this song on their radio. Then the girls start doing all these weird things with her hands to the beat of the song. It looks sooooo stupid and the movement’s remind me of back in the early 90’s when break dancing was a big thing here in the USA.
Who left the dogs out(BaHa Men)
For some reason I just can’t stand to listen to this song. All it’s about and all it mostly says throughout the song is a repeat of “who left the dogs out”. The song is sung by Jamaican men(I have nothing against Jamaican people in fact I love their accents) but who wants to keep hearing “who left the dogs out” over and over again? In the USA during Football season this song is heard all the time during football games.
Anti Christ Superstar(Marylyn Manson)
I have to say that I really dislike all this man’s songs! They are so anti religious and their videos are terrible. I like hard rock music, but this band goes to far when it comes to https://lyrics.
Candy(Aaron Carter)
I don’t know if you can consider this “boy” as a band, but he is the little brother of the famous Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys. This song reminds me of the Baha men’s were they same lyrics are just repeated over and over again. My daughter who is 11 use to like this song, but now she doesn’t listen to it anymore.
I like most of the songs from this band, but however I really don’t like this song because I felt that Justin Timberlake things he is all that! He seems to always be the one singing and getting the “lime light” and believe me other members of this boy band deserve better time on the video then he does.
November Rain(Gun’s and Rose’s)
This song is a love song I guess, but the video to this song is so stupid. It is set at a wedding reception and then a storm comes in and the bride is killed. What a song! I guess that is the reason I dislike this song is because of the video.
Mr. Roboto(Styx)
With songs like Lady, and come sail away what happened to Styx when they decided to make this stupid song? I can’t understand were their minds were at that time, but it sure wasn’t on good lyrics and music, hmm maybe it was in outers-space or something. This song just isn’t one of their best so I had to add it here.
Sunglasses at Night(Corey Hart)
Get real, who wants to hear about a person wearing sunglasses at night? The song repeats its lyrics over and over again. I don’t know Corey Hart or any of his other songs, but this one I can’t understand why it even made the rock charts when it came out? Big time loser song here.
Ironic( Alanis Morissetee)
This song is way out there, isn’t it ironic is one of her worst songs yet! The video even bites, I really don’t like any of her songs what so ever.
Addicted to love(Robert Plant)
gonna have to face it your addicted to love, geez who isn’t addicted to some sort of love? This song was a waste of time for this singer, and the girls in those dresses playing their guitars and looking like twins was the worst. They have no expressions and Robert Plant could have made this song and video better, but choose not to.
The top 10 I decided to give information as to why they were there, but since the word limit were allowed for a review will soon be up I decided to just list the last 20 songs, so I wouldn’t have to put them in the 20 best section Lol. Hope that is all ok with you all?
Never Had a Dream come true(S-Club 7)
Maccarania(singer unknown?) no wonder cause the song sucked
Earl(Dixie Chicks) a country song
Rock My World(Michael Jackson)
Like a Prayer(Madonna)
Dancing Queen(A-Teens)
All Made of Stars(Moby)
Ice, Ice Baby(Vanilla Ice) rap star want a be
8675309(Rick Springfield)
Do You Really Want to hurt me(Boy George)