I apologise in advance for any offense I cause to any people who might actually like some of the songs listed here. Each to his own is what I say. Anyway here is the list in no particular order.
1. My heart will go on - Celine Dion
I dislike Celine Dions songs at the best of time but this one really makes me want to stick my fingers down my throat and puke. It has to be the worst piece of puerile trash that I have heard in a long long time and in my opinion should never have been released. Please note that I have never and do not ever intend to watch Titanic either.
2. The Macarena - Los Del Rios
Two men singing a silly song. What more can I say about this one.
3. Barbie Girl - Aqua
Come on barbie, Lets go party. Once heard never forgotten is what Id say. This song grates in your memory for years after youve heard it.
4. The Final Countdown - Europe
4 men in spandex with perms. They pretended to be rockers and it showed in their songs.
5. Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
I must admit that I have never seen the point of this song. The lyrics are dire and the tune isnt particularly good. This is one song that Rolf Harris did actually improve upon.
6. Any song by Black Lace
There is no such thing as a good song by this band. They are responsible for giving the worldAgadoo, I am a music man andSuperman. Noted for coming out with silly songs with silly actions.
7. Any song based on our sung by childrens T.V. characters
Theres Bob THe Builder, Mr. Blobby and the worst being the Telly Tubbies. Say no to all of these.
8. Everything I do - Bryan Adams
Was nice the first time around. Not so nice after hearing it for the 12, 675 time.
9. Lucy in the sky with diamonds - William Shatner
Yes William Shatner the man who was Captain Kirk and T.J. Hooker. His acting was bad enough why try singing.
10. Wannabe - The Spice Girls
Tell me what I want what I really really want. Please stop playing this song.
11. All that she wants - Ace of Base
In fact any thing by Ace of Base(all two songs of theirs) was dire.
12. The Power of Love - Jennifer Rush
Grates in the same way celine Dion does and thats saying something.
13. Saturday Night - Whigfield
Has its place on the dance floor and thats about it. Another silly song with silly actions.
14. Shes Like the Wind - Patrick Swayze
Liked all the other songs in the film except for this one.
15. Id Rather Jack - The Reynolds Girls
Id rather do many other things than listen to this one. One of Stock Aitken & Watermans worst although these were the men who gave us Kylie.
16. When will I be Famous - Bros
Thankfully they never were.
17. On Top Of The World - The Spice Girls
The official English song for the 1998 World Cup. Shame the unofficial one did so much better.
18. Grandma We Love You - The St Winnifred School Choir
Another novelty record. Another chance to be end it all.
19. Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice
Cant sing cant dance cant rap.
20. All by Myself - Celine Dion
Have started so Ill finish with her. Would rather tear my hair out than listen to her.
After reading the comments so far given I have to give a small mention to that well known diva Whitney Houston who took a little known country and western number and created the greatest monster of all time. Ladies and gentlemen please raise a toast to I will always love you.