Hello to all of my friends,
I have been writing reviews over this platform since too long. am writing this review which I am sure you already aware about.
Twitter, what do you think it is? Not just a name, not just a web site and not only a way to upload your images and sharing your thoughts with the world. Twitter is something which has brought the world into your hands and controlling it with your fingers.
Twitter has been a new life style now and I do not believe if someone who lives in a city and claims that he/she does not use twitter. You create your own world, not only the world, however, you create everything you want over here.
Sharing an image with all of your loved ones and friends. Sharing your thoughts with your loved ones and friends. Following your role modals and get yourselves upto date while using twitter.com.
Who allowed you to change the way you live? Yes, it is twitter.com. Not only smartphones are that good that people are buying them to use to calculate and clicking the pictures. Yes of course they do this, however, they want themselves to stay online for latest updates and offers.
Even Delhi Police is now using Twitter.com to solve your queries and trust me guys, that is really helpful for all of us. I know a case where our Delhi Police use the social site to catch a criminal where he could not stop himself to check the update on twitter and there the Delhi Police got the hold of him. Well, even a criminal could not stop his emotions and curiosity to check his twitter profile which made that his last status update LOL:)
I am sure you must be following your favorite celebrities for latest updates on them and following a few more things. I follow all of my favorite celebrities and heros like Mr. Narendra Modi over Twitter. I get to know so many things each and every time I go onine to check my profile. Not only enjoy, however, you learn while using this wonderful web site.
At the end, I would love to say that twitter is something everyone should use to get in touch with the world and to get yourselves up to date. Thank you for creating this wonderful platform for us to share our thoughts over here so that all the people can read what we think and what we want.