I am not a Foodie. Yet being a true Indian, I still suffer from those weird sounding, funny urges for Golgappas at odd hours. I still long for those Chocolate sundaes, or some butterscotch scoops in the middle of the night! Those tempting stares from the Kulfi stalls when you are down with Cold, still allure me!
Nowadays, One can hardly resist the new-age Happy Meals, Chicken Buckets, Cornettos, and the the latest, (well I guess not so latest) addiction to the Fast Food phenomenon to hit the Indian taste-buds, Pizzas!
The Indian Foodies are quickly transforming into Fast-Foodies!
Since long, having a Pizza was like a really big Deal. It was costly for one, and not that famous too. For me, More so because, well, I am never satisfied with just one Pizza. I never understood their concept of "...Serves 2, 4, 6!" etc.. I was never satisfied with just a small Pizza(which serves 2 err...) or a Medium Pizza (Serves 4? double err...)...
Anyways, I loved Pizza Hut, mostly because of the variety it offers, and the Service offered. The only thing that bothered me, if you want to have a stomach full, and you have a knack for those served alongside, like the garlic breads, and the Cokes, you might end up spending a hefty sum.
After having some disastrous experiences with Dominos (I really hate em, unprofessional and a really cheap attitude), I was pretty skeptical in visiting anything except the regular food joints!
But, when I visited the nearby US Pizza outlet Last month, I was pleasantly surprised, on not one but many fronts!
Service - Amazing service, even though not as flashy as some of the others, you would actually feel at home.
Ambiance - Not that glossy, and glamorous, but a Working AC, a Television, that the assistant promptly changes at your liberty, and a decent and comfortable seating area. Id say, its pretty good.
Variety - Its not having as much variety as one would get in a Pizza hut or a Pizza corner, but the ones available are good. The selected variety for toppings and Deserts, especially the Chocolate Brownie is Delicious!
Special Attraction - A 150 bucks unlimited offer is currently available at select outlets, which includes unlimited Pizza(One flavor, a daily menu, changes every day...), a complimentary Salad, and a Chocolate Brownie, Rs 150 + taxes comes to around 180 bucks!
I particularly liked the Idea of Dedicated Items for the Vegetarians (The Jain menu to be precise).
The only thing I did not get, why do you want to name a Fast-Food-Chain run by an Indian entrepreneur(as per their catalog) as U.S.Pizza? o.0 strange!!
Anyways, Ive been there 3 times, and all the three visits have been pleasant and satisfactory.
So, if you want to try something different, at cheaper and affordable rates, US Pizza is a place, you might want to try out. Website - https://uspizza.in/