I have been highly disappointed with the cancellation policy of uber which charges Rs.60 for cancelling a trip if the cab booked has arrived anywhrere nearby the given location.
It is okay to have a cancellation charge but the issue is about the situations to which it shoud apply and should not apply.
The other day I booked an uber from vedic village which showed a minimum waiting time of 30 mins and therefore I confirmed with the driver and cancelled it immediately on learning that it would take 30mins to arrive at my location. On cancellation, uber charged me Rs. 60 as cancellation charge which is not all justifiable as the cab was no where nearby as per its policy.
There was another instance when I had booked uber and cancelled it because the driver took more than the desired time to arrive and I was charged for that as well.
It is very inappropriate and undesirable by any customer to abide by such policies which provides no resonable ground for cancellations.