Uber is well known cab service which provide their services to all the major cities of the country . Their service is limited within the city area.I am living in ahmedabad and I am taking their regular service for last one and half year and feel very happy with their service.Last for 15-20 times I used their cab service. Really their service is very active, prompt and comfortable. Drivers are also very professional, Drivers of Uber are very polite and have good behavior. They provide nice AC car which are gives full satisfaction.some of driver dont know the route.but as we know the route they took by as we said our route.
When you book a car, they will give you reaching time 5, 9 or 15 minutes and surely you will get the car in time, they never become late. Their charges also are very reasonable. Every time I take Uber cab service for up and down. My home is 10 km from the office and it cost me very cheep, approximately Rs 130 per trip which is very comfortabe for me. So as per my full experience I can say that they provide very excellent, active and comfortable service. I recommend it 100% very useful.and also for first time uber signup you will get free ride upto RS. 200-400.depend on changes.but as you share your invite code u will get definatily free ride upto rs.200.its my opinion.for signup and free ride u need new mobile phone.because once the mobile registered u cant go another free ride by that once used mobile.Now the free code is:uberdhruv70388.just try it in.refferal code.u will get definately RS. 250 free ride.