I have used uc browser mini for a week now and I am already fed up.
The main reason for me to use UC browser mini is the amount of space it consumes on your phone compared to other browsers such as chrome and opera.
Well, there ar few appealing features in uc browser mini that it consumes less data comparitively and it is easier to download.
But the main reason for me to not like this app is that I did not feel the interface was user friendly, there have been few crashes lately and the overall layout feels so primitive.
Another flaw with the app is that sometimes referral apps are not supported in uc browser yet.
For example, recently my friend referred the new tez app and I happened to open in in uc browser which is suppose to direct me to play store from my phone from where I can download.But this didnt happen It said this feature is not supported and so I had to clear space and install chrome again.
Well, several improvements are needed in this app.