It is centrally loacted in the Ashok Pillar and most of the bus stops in front of the gate itself.It is in such a main location and was very famous in those days.It is just some 100 steps from the Ashok Nagar Saravana Bhavan Fast Food
About Udayam It has four theaters in it. Udayam, Suriyan, Mini Udayam and Chandran.Mini Udayam is recently built one. So it is ok when compared to others and less in capacity. And the tickets are available in black even after the movie starts, no matter whether it is a new release or not. They have security guards and sometimes police constables jus to show that they dont encourage malpratices but still u can get the tickets in the parking zone anytime.
No good seats, A/c and sound effect. Moreover lights are on till all settles down in their seat, no matter how long it takes and if it is interrupting also.
Even if your a smoker dont dare to be out of hall during interval for a smoke. U will inhale the dense of cigaratte smoke instead of just yours. U cant even describe it as smoke it is an impenetrable form of smog. About the rest rooms, just with outside appearance, u will not even think to go near it. And am sure u will definitely faint on nearing it, it has such a powerful fragrance and can sustain, only if u have cold.
Even if you feel hungry plz dont try anything during interval not even cool drinks. Stay with your hunger till movie finishes and treat your stomach with saravana bhavan food nearby it. This is the major advantage for going to this theater. The cost of the ticket is also as equivalent as others nearly 40-50Rs.
On summing up visiting this theater needs stink tolerant nose, hunger resistant stomach till movie finishes, ears which can manage average sound effect, your body needs to be thin enough to fit in to those seats for a minimum of 3 hours, last but definitely not least less money on your valet is enough.