Udta Punjab is a Bollywood thriller movie based on the drug supply and addiction going on in the Punjab province of our country. The film was released a couple of weeks ago after lot of controversy regarding its content and was passed with an A certificate and just one cut. The film stars Shahid Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Diljit dosanji. The film narrates three stories at one time and how time entangles them into one end. Shahid kapoor plays the role of a drug addicted rockatar while Alia plays the role of an uneducated bihari who wants to fulfill her dreams and Kaeena plays the role of a doctor. The lead cast have put in a spectacular performance and one of the best from Shahid and Alia. The songs of the movie have been great hits and loved by all. The movie reveals all the true incidents going on in the state and the political influence behind it also. It is a must watch to know the truth as well as to see the strong performances of the lead cast. I loved the movie and enjoyed it throughout the running time.