This film all about drugs. in this film is reality of punjab, I am watching this film first shahid kapoor is my best actor and this film create lot of controversy to attract me to this film all character addicted to drugs expect kareena kapoor and diljit dosanjh. in starting film, pakistan border some althletic trow drug packet to indian border panjab. and this drug packet apper title name of the movie. this flim divide three character, first charector is alia bhatt as biharin lebor work in farm, alia is distric hocky player, second character is shahid kapoor as tommy, he is pop star in this film. third character is kareena kapoor and diljit dosanjh, kareena kapoor play doctor role and social worker in this film and diljit dosanjh as inspector. film start from alia bhatt, she found 3kg drug packet and decited to sale. shahid kapoor as tommy charecter very confusing for me.very funky look, druk addicted doing crezy think in this film. diljit brodher are get drug addicted and kareena kapoor save his life, throw kareena kapoor he know his brother get some illegal drug addicted for long time. this film give you massage about drug addiction how bad is drug and panjab youth going to wrong rout.