With increasing usage of different kinds of USB storage devices and uncountable number of cases of data theft through USB drives, products like uHook USB Disk Security are definitely going to go a long way in solving these problems. Besides, apart from internet, the second major source of virus spread is USB storage.We are in a world where we can’t just live without USB storage, to name a few, IPOD, Flash Drives, SD Cards, Digital Cameras, Cell Phones, external Hard drives are some of them and many more, waiting to flood the market very soon.
Not only uHook helps its users block all malicious/unknown usb devices, monitors all activities of file copy operation and blocks virus and worms by blocking autorun.inf, but the solution also blocks malicious users from uninstalling it. Because, whenever a person tries to uninstall it, he should have the password which is assigned only to the actual user who installed the application.
Besides, the solution is designed in such a way that any tempering with the install files or the software will render all the USB storage device completely blocked on the system until the administrator runs a fresh installation. There are a lot of vendors selling USB security solution, but each one of those miss out one thing or the other to provide a complete and perfect solution. Besides, none of these applications provide real value for money as the cost of these solutions are far above an end user can afford. Paying above 50 USDs is too much to ask for a USB security solution.With perfect pricing(21 USD), small download size(around 1 MB) and all the features an end user wants in a USB Security product, uHook USB Security seems to be the most promising solution in the online marketplace for windows.