My feedback on Ujjwal Properties as one of the worst property dealers in Gurgaon. Though they are sitting with a full fledged office in South City 2, their post booking information and being in touch with customer is zero. I dont know how Unitech rated them Best Channel partner.
I had booked Unitech Vistas through them after meeting them at property expo and while going through their website which stated best channel partner. Mr. Navin Yadav of Ujjwal properties even told us , we have a hold with Unitech so we can assure you your preferences. While initial booking dealing was OK, because they were getting business, post that no information, no call.
I had given a preference and a booking cheque to them and they had promised to check with me after launch of project if the preferences were available or not and assured that they will put cheque only after my confirmation. They did not communicate on launch, the chq was put without any communication, the floor booked no communication and by chance when I called them three days after booking to find out payment schedule as I was applying for loan, then I got to know they had already booked. When I discussed they started putting the blame on why did u write the preferences. No communication from them till date. They did not pass any brokerage to us while Unitech has given us 1% after booking directly through them another floor. Never go through Ujjwal Properties.
Very bad customer service, communication and unfair statements