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Ultra Slim Fast



Ultra Slim Fast
Janeen Garner@Neenkena
Sep 24, 2001 10:52 AM, 4870 Views
Ultra Slim Fast has great new flavors!

Diet drinks for me? Ok now I know what you are we go again right? Way wrong! Slim Fast has two new fruity flavors and a chocolate royale that are actually very very good!

After a visit to the doctor for a yearly check up they decided to draw blood(like most do) for what they call “routine” blood work. Well everything came out good except for my cholesterol. Well the first thing I was told had to go was my chocolate. Oh no! Not my chocolate! I cannot live with out my chocolate. I was ready to cry. I had to find a way to get my chocolate fix!

Now as any good patient would do I decided to do as my doc said. Ok, first thing was to watch what I eat and that did not mean watch it go from the plate to the fork to my mouth. I had to learn to read labels. That in itself is a challenge. So many numbers and info at times it is over whelming. First I had to try to follow a diet of about 1800 to 2000 calories a day. Ok no biggie you say? Yeah right! Slim Fast to the rescue!

The first thing you see on the back of the can is only 220 calories a serving! is low in calories! There is only 1 gram of fat and no saturated fat! That is a biggie for us on a low fat diet to lower our cholesterol. The next listing tell you all the vitamins in each drink! Unreal! As many as a good multi vitamin!

Also if you are watching your sugar, it is not a really great drink. The sugar, which is a source of energy, is 39 and the total carbohydrates are 46. To high for a low sugar diet.

What I am about to say may seem controversial to some but before you just stop here please read on. The parents or parent of a teenage girl can relate.

My daughter is at the age where she thinks she is fat. She is 14. She has chosen to skip meals. We all know that makes you really hungry by the end of the day and it makes you eat more than you need to. Your cells think you are trying to starve them so they make up for a missed meal by making you super hungry. Well telling her to eat or trying to buy something she will eat has become a battle and I want to win the war. Slim Fast has been our compromise.

She decided to try one the other day and was impressed. Ok I know it is not the greatest breakfast for a teenager but I figure it cannot be any worse than the Carnation Breakfast Drinks. If she will drink a shake or eat a bar for breakfast I will take it. You need to consider the body is without nourishment for about 10 hours while you sleep. That is the main reason it is said that’breakfast is the most important meal of the day.’

Our shakes are made in a good old fashioned blender.(mine has seen better days but she is still crunching ice!)We add a little chocolate milk(yes it is sneaky but she gets more calcium that way), and some ice. Blend or crunch until the ice is totally crushed and like an Icee. Makes a great drink even as a mid afternoon snack. It works for me.

In my opnion the best flavor is Dark Chocolate Fudge. I am a serious chocoholic so it is my favorite. The next best one is a toss up Milk Chocolate and Rich Chocolate Royale. We have just tried the Orange Pineapple. Now if you have ever had an Orange Julious you will love this new flavor! It is incredible. Just toss it in the blender with some ice and blend and enjoy! I also bought the Apple Cranberry Raspberry. Wow it has a tang to it! This one makes a killer shake too!

The cost of the cans is a good price for a grab and go meal. Right now you can get 8 cans for$4.96 at Wal-Mart. That averages out to .62 cents a can. For piece of mind as far as my daughter is concerned it is a great deal.

The Bottom Line is that Slim Fast is tasty, filling and will help you take the weight off slowly. A good alternative in a pinch to that candy bar you hear calling your name!

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