I have Purchased 50 bags of ultratech cements for final finishing( Plaster) of my newly made home in the month of may17.
I have appointed 4 experienced workers to do this job.They took approximately 1 month to finish this job along with 10-14 labours.
In this period I have done everything which make plaster stronger like- wetting plater area everday, Applying primer and white cemnet 3-4 times, keeping it safe from external forces etc.
But After 2 -3 months when the other work started like wooden( window & door) , Wiring and all the other electronic & mechanical work work the plaster are started cracking at some places literally.
I thought it is initial stage and newly made thats why it is happening.But after 4-5 months I cant explained what went wrong and how much I have losted my valuable money.
At some places plaster brack completely and fell down, Some places just cracked and someplaces plaster are totally gone and also affect wiring and wodden work badly.
I have been suffered from a huge loss & my newly home looks like an old primiary school.
I have contacted their office but everyone is asking about excuse no one is willing to give any help and support.