This was a movie that I was really looking forward to. Unfortunately I saw Æon Flux and Equilibrium before and was hence really disappointed with what Ultraviolet had to offer.
The Ultraviolet
Plot has nothing unique. Its the same futuristic dystopia where a society is divided by blood contamination ... and one disgruntled mercenary turned good guy/gal brings down the entire unjust system.
(Some readers threw up at this stage).
While I love Mila, Ultraviolet hasnt even come close to the cool of Æon Flux. The characters in the film are not well developed and the bad guys take the storm trooper syndrome to new heights. Some of the fight sequences, hand-gun / sword fights seem to be glaring lifts from the 2002 flick - Equilibrium.
While framing as a technique might have been great in some movies, especially those inspired from comics, Ultraviolet seems jerky. Bashing apart, I must admit that I liked the screen play otherwise. Especially the Shanghai architecture that really makes the place look futuristic. There are glimpses of some nanotechnology concepts that are good too.
The special effects types and Mila followers may want to give this film a one-timer. However, overall, Id recommend people to stay away from this film.
Would love to know what you felt about it.