People like me really give interest in bikes so easily as being a car lover, but I got to admit after riding this powerful 300 cc monster I am in love with bikes. UM Renegade Commando is one of the most awaited bike in India for bike lovers, as now its available everybody want one. It has got 300 cc powerful engine that can boost the bike upto a speed of 145 kilometresp per hour thus giving its edge back. It weighs around 149 kilograms, thus is quite bulky but has an antique look from 90s.
It has got all what a biker is looking for, its price stars from 1.8 lakhs(ex-room price) and comes in three different colours: green, burgundy and black, burgundy is my favorite. It has single cylinder, 4stroke engine and is liquid cooled engine. Its way much better than those royal Infield and ktm bikes, with same price tag. Thus buy this as soon as possible, its in limited edition.