This film revolves around three senior citizens - Iqbal Khan (Kader Khan), Chanderkant Mehta (Prem Chopra) and Rajpal Singh (Satish Kaushik) who live in London. They are insensitively treated by their children. All three are constantly humiliated and insulted, leaving them totally defeated.Into their lives comes Shahshank (Jimmy Shergill), a young lad who has grown up to respect his elders. Treating the senior citizens with care, affection and respect, Shahshank quickly finds a small place in their hearts. The twist comes when Shashank falls in love with Sapna who happens to be the daughter of a rich businessman.
It has a more or less flat script with almost no high point in the drama. It doesn’t touch the heart, the romantic tracks also fail to involve the viewer emotionally. What, perhaps, is the biggest intrinsic drawback of the script is that this subject-matter has been seen as part of the main plot in several films in the past. Therefore, to make an entire film based on a script which has been done to death already, is not really a smart move .Besides a plot that has been seen before, the film has a weak story line. The screenplay is shoddy and the going on fails to interest the viewer .
Karans direction is alright. Given the lacklustre script, there was hardly anything more one could expect of a director. However, he needs to take part of the blame too since a director ought to be half a script-writer himself
Had the screenplay exhibited more depth and maturity, and of course omitted the unnecessary songs, it would have perhaps been something worth watching.