I recently watched the new "Umrao Jaan" and to put it mildly "I hated it". But that shoddy movie reminded me of this gem of a movie. Unfortunately in my fit of anger I posted the review of Umrao Jaan 2006 incorrectly under this movie. Thaks to the alert readers of mouthshut.com who brought my mistake to my notice. I have now corrected my reviews.
I just cannot stop singing praises for this 1981 classic. This a flawless work of art. Khayyams music is top notch. Rekha is stunning in her role as Amiran/Umrao Jaan. Other cast members have made there contribution to bring the real emotion of this excellent novel.
I strongly believe that such classics should not be remade by people like J P Dutta. All he has done is to remind people how great this original work was. I am not against people trying to express the same idea in there own way but it should be done with the due respect the original work deserves.