I have seen this movie only yesterdy first day last show in Lucknow.Before giving any description in detail I want to go back to 40 years back. Many movie of same kind were made and the role of Tawaif were played by Bela Boxe, Madhumati, Kulwant Kaur, Waheeda Rahman and Helen.
We do remember the role of Meena Kumari in Pakeezah which was most liked and was on the hieight of popularitty for Ashok Kumar and Raj Kumars superb roles.But in this film also, Meena Kumari did leave much impact on the mind of many people as Tawaif/ But story, and casting was superb.
In those days no body expected Meena Kumari or Madhu Bala, Mala Sinha or any other reputed heroine to play the role of Tawaif. Reason is that they did not have a sex appeal of a Tawaif- means a Gane Nachne wali Kothe wali with bad charactor and who after dance, used to sleep with any one who used to pay highest sum for her one night. In those days, means of entertainment were limited like Kabootarbaazi, Tonga Race, Wrestling, kite flying , visiting kotha to hear song and see beautiful Tawaif with drinks.
Although this was not in all cases as many Tawaifs used to sing and dance only .Even the visitors in Kotha were also looking like most Aiiyash, womaniser type men.
Here I wanted to lay emphasis that every men has animal instinct in himself of any degree right from 30% to 60%. It is equally true that this tendency increases higher and higher at the age of 45+ when men feel free from all the responsibilities and atleast finds himself fianncially strong.Case to case differ where many men do not come under above category.
Whenever we talk about Umrao Jaan , Rekha comes in our mind, and obvious comparision takes place. Just see the faces of Rekha where you will find lot of sex appeal and she really looks tawaif. Aishwarya Rai has the impression of her ex Miss World or to say like woman cat walking model. She has calm, peaceful and graceful face with blue eyes and animal instinct with sexual expression does not reflect from her facial expression.And this is the main weak point.
Regarding other things like sets, dresses, ornaments and environmental effects of Kotha were as usual as in other movies of the same kind. Further there is no comparision between Farrookh Shaikh and Abhishek. The turban used by Abhishek is not of Awadhi style and he even did not do any justice to the role as not looking a regular visitor of Kothas. He a serious and with very cute smile, does not suit. to the real role.
Umrao Jaan really had a different character and she loved only Nawab. She used to help poor and helped Nawabs in their bad days.Even today grave of Umrao Jaan is left in bad condition, on which road was constructed but a half of the grave looks near a big tree.
JP Dutta had left much much behind from Muzaffar Ali, who was born and lived in Awadh and had really sharp catch on our culture. He had followed every inch of reel of Rekhas Umrao Jaan so made it memorable.
Even thou this movie can be seen for a change with not high expectation
Ravi Sharma