I love Tori Amos, her music is wonderful. This CD Under The Pink was put out in 1994. The cover of this album is a picture of Tori in a white dress with piles of paper.
The album starts with Pretty Good Year, which is a soft piano song with strings. The best part of the song is when she starts to sing loudly with lyrics like some things are melting now
well whats it gonna take till my babys alright. Its the best part of the song.
The next song God is a powerful song that makes me feel proud to be a woman. The backround music is catchy and upbeat.
The next song, Bells For Her is soft with beautiful piano at the start of the song. This song has lyrics such as:hey would you say whatever were blanket friends
cant stop whats coming. Toris voice is at a nice tempo and is strong and makes the song soft and beautiful.
Im not crazy about the next song, Past The Mission but it is still beautiful in its own way when Tori and a guest vocal by Trent Reznor sing Past the mission....
Its upbeat and cheerful.
The next song on the CD, Baker Baker. I really enjoy this song because it is soft, with strings and piano. Toris voice is soft yet powerful and this song really has an impact on me.
The next song, The Wrong Band is fun with simple piano tunes and is catchy and Tori sounds very happy singing this tune. The end of the song is especially beautiful.
The next song The Waitress is one of my favorite songs out of all of Toris music. This song is about Tori really hating a waitress where she worked and she wants to kill her, but she doesnt because SHE BELIEVES IN PEACE! This song is extremely powerful and the message is great. I urge you to listen to this song!!
The next song, again one of the best Tori Amos songs EVERCornflake Girl. This song is extremely catchy and Toris voice is soft but so strong. This song is even more beautiful when she preforms it live. This song is so catchy that Ive been singing is constantly for a long time. EXCELLENT SONG!! The piano is wonderful!
The next song, Icicle is simply Toris voice and her piano playing. Its very soft and calm.
Cloud on my tongue has unique lyrics and is upbeat. Toris voice has different tones and is powerful.
Space Dog is a fun song while Yes, Anastasia is soft and moving.
Overall, this is a rather tame CD compared to other Tori Amos work but is still wonderful. There is lots of piano and strings on the CD.