This happened during one of the claims we raised after my fathers operation. He has two policies of United India Mediclaim. The problem started when we raised a single claim form referring to both the policies for the claimed amount (of course with all the supporting documents).
While the TPA (MedSave) disbursed cheque against one policy, it failed to register upon them that there are two policies aginst which claims have been raised. TPAs website did not even recognize the second policy... anyways that is another problem in itself.
On contacting, I was asked to submit a fresh claim form which was sent to them. Since then I have made at least 10-12 phone calls to the TPA and the response time has been pathetic. It has been 5 months since I have been following up for the balance amount.
We have incurred medical expenses through Credit Card and I am paying interest for the last 5 months.Till date, I have not received the claim and hope that the call next Saturday (next date promised by the TPA) would yield results.