For the people who have read my review on London which I had titled Falling in Love with London, this reviews title might seem to be a contradiction. I would like to clarify and also emphasise that London is still lovable to me and would ever be.Then whatever am I trying to point out? Let me elucidate.
On my previous review I deliberately did not touch upon the attitude of some(I am not sure if I can call it asculture) prevailing here.Well, coming to think of it and posting this review with whatever thoughts that swayed my mind I couldnt think of any other title to put the message across.
I read in a magazine that statistics reveal UK to be the worst country in parental care. I strongly believe that nothing or no one can be generalised like this. But certain things happened which make me attribute reasons to feel that such generalised figures are true at times.
While I was engrossed in a conversation over the phone in a public booth, there were two kids(about 10 yrs of age), in the adjacent booth. One of them was in the phone and the other one was doing his best to make me feel bad. He was trying to make all possible faces at me, murmuring something which was not quite audible and even splashed the juice that he was carrying in a bottle towards my face. ( How much I thanked the Glass Partition that moment! I was even inappropriately reminded of Saint Gobain ads.!) Keeping my friends advice in mind, I did not bother to react as I was there all by myself, and felt quite vulnerable.
Another incident happened when we were on our way back from a good lunch, thanks to the treat hosted by my friend, when we saw something very weird happening. About a few feet away from a Church, there was a man lying down in an apparently inebriated condition. This is quite an uncommon sight here.I was appalled by the behaviour of a group of teenagers toward that person. They were hurling stones on him, and even forced some stones into our hands and asked us to do the same. When blood was running cold under my skin, there were 2 servicemen who took control of the situation. .We doubled our walking speed and vanished from that sight.
Both the above mentioned incidents happened in broad daylight.
If we have stray dogs menace in India, London is no exception to the problem caused by dogs. Although they may be well-trained superior breed dogs, some people fail to understand that all others out there do not own dogs and they are not used to a dog sniffing around their boots, making them feel uncomfortable. Some people just leave the lead loose when they step into a garden or a park or even in the roads, where a number of people pass by. There were quite a few deplorable circumstances when a baby or a small kid was mauled to death by a dog.(suggesting that some people do own banned breeds).
Most of the shops(except very few supermarkets) down their shutters by 5.30 pm. This is the main reason for even the highstreets being deserted. This is certainly a drawback for most of the office-goers.(Indian shops are an exception)
I was told immediately when I came here, that going out alone especially after 5.00pm in the evenings, moreso during Fridays/Sat/Sun, should be avoided, as peopleenjoy during those days. Andenjoyment in some peoples parlance is to abuse others, especiallyoutsiders.Inspite of the innumerable CCTVs, knfie- crime is a regular feature here.These things do make London a not-so-safe place to live.
I would like to share another incident that happened in a train. A group of guys, with painted faces, jumped out of every station and prostrated, while another group would click a photo of them.This was happening in the few seconds that the train would stop on every platform, leaving sufficient space for people to alight or get in. They sure were having fun, but was not a nuisance to anyone. Infact, they did bring a smile on others faces.
I should confess that I really look forward to theYour alright?, Cheers!, Hello There kind of making-one-feel comfortable way of addressing by anyone and everyone that we meet. Though this might seem to be a routine, it does break the monotony. I really look forward to the good morning and a nod with a smile from many elderly people whose intention would only be to make us feel better.
If only some of the erring young ones be more dignified.this place would become safer.