The United States Of America mean a lot of things to a lot of people but for me this is home.
My home is a mixed bags of rights and wrongs.
It is true that our government sticks its nose where is doesnt belong and I think that it would be fair to say that not all Americans believe in what our government does all the time. The nice thing about that is that we never have to fear for what we have to say. We have the right as a
free country to say what we believe in, if we dont like what is happening we can say so. No, it may not change what is going to happen but atleast we can feel good about trying to bring about a change.
In the U.S.A. we have poverty and no our government doesnt do a lot to help it own. Our seniors live in poverty,
they work hard all their lives with a promise of social security, which they had to pay in to as they worked, only to find the government plays fast and loose with the money.
Our education system is going to hell, many American children cant even read. Why does this happen? Because our government and people dont want to spend the money to make it better.
Our police officers place their lives on the line every day to protect us from the evils of the places that we live and what do we pay them? Not nearly enough. True we have many police officers that are on the take but would they be that way if we took care of our own?
Like any other country we have problems but our country has a lot to be proud of.
I can go to any church and worship they way I want with out fear.
It I dont like the way the government is, I have the right to bring about change.
I am not forced to live in the country, if I dont like it I can always leave. Can you say the same for where you live?
I guess what I am trying to get at is this is my home, I am proud of what my country stands for, we are the land of the free.