The US is younger and larger than India with a population that includes people from almost every background you can imagine. Yes, there is some discrimination against people of color - more strongly in the southern states than the northern ones. It is illegal but still exists. It is disappearing faster and faster as the numbers of dark and lighter-skinned people become more equal.
Some of the 50 states are very cold, some are hot some are beautiful tropical areas and others are mostly barren desert. We have mountains, rivers, volcanoes and still have a lot of empty land. If you are coming to visit you will want to choose the places you will go ahead of time and allow several weeks at the least.
The opportunity to earn and save money is available to all here. If you are willing to work, you will be able to eat well and live inside. There are, however, still some people who are homeless and there are many (because we are young and brash) who do not appreciate what we do have.
This is a country with many problems, as you can imagine. We have people of many different religions, social beliefs and races - of course we have problems. Our government is no worse (and probably no better) than many others. We are free to speak out on almost any subject, which makes it inevitable that there will be disagreements. Our overall quality of life, however, exceeds that in most other countries.
If you want to tour - come see our Statue of Liberty, our huge cities, national parks, our gambling towns our beautiful rivers and seashores and, of course, Disneyland and Hollywood. If you want to emigrate, the opportunity is here.
Like anyplace else, there is no generality. People are people. We are humble or brash, we are religious or not, we are black and white and red and many other shades. And, like people everywhere a few of us are bad, most of us are good and mostly you hear about the ones that arent so good.