And they cant take that away.....
There is a spirit that tends to take over people who come to this Country,
looking for opportunity, looking for liberty,
looking for FREEDOM! {even if they misuse it!}
Some people of the world, seem to be incapable of understanding
that we dont just live in America,
American spirit is what it is called! And killing
our innocent people in such a cowardly manner,
you have now awakened, A SLEEPING GIANT!
{some of these thoughts above, are borrowed from others thoughts)
This wonderful land AMERICA is my adopted country,
and I am passionate about it.
I am trying to overlook some of the cruel and hurtful remarks
that I am hearing.
But that is not always easy, when I see some of
my fellow Americans agreeing with remarks, or
implications That perhaps it was NOT Terrorists. who did this!
Never must we judge people who are from a different place and culture, as the enemy!
Bad people can be found in every country, that does not make the whole race or nationality bad!
Or looking different, does not make a person the enemy!
My neighbors are Arabs, and are wonderful people.
There will always be those, that take any opportunity to strike out at others who look different..
That has been going on everywhere for a very long time..
We are all only on this earth for a limited time, lets try to get along....
So please stop hurting the American people who have lost so much,
and are grieving the loss of loved ones,
and the loss of some freedoms, with cruel and unfounded remarks.......
This is a time for all good people to Bond together!
And lets try to understand each other....
Keep this in mind! This was not just an attack on U.S.A.
It was just the start, of an attack on theFREE WORLD!
Sixty countries, (or more) from around the world,
had citizens lost in the attack on the Twin Towers.
We are all in this together........